Age of Sedges - 2019
Programmer, UX Tester
Time: 10 Weeks
In partnership with a school in Central Queensland, we were tasked with creating an educational game for students to learn about a specific local species; the Wallum Sedge Frog. Using information about the frog and its environement from the school, we decided to make a tile-based strategy game. This game was to focus on key aspects that the client wanted the users (students) to learn such as the various plant species that influence the environment, pH balance, and the local competitor species; the Eastern Sedge Frog.
Age of Sedges tasks the player to take control of a small environmental section (in a tile-grid format) to grow plants, place water and remove environmental obstacles to control the pH balance of the water. This is to help encourage the reproduction of the Wallum Sedge Frog rather than its competitor.
Team Members:
James Moran - Designer, UI Artist, Moddeler / Animator
Jessa Dennehy - Artist, UX Tester
Xinrong Liu - Tutorial Designer / Creator